Dark, mysterious, brooding, dark, silent, aloof, and dark, Edith AKA Edge is an enigma. At least she wants to be. A member of the pirates of Skulltron, Edge pilots the green parrot, left foot of Skulltron himself.  

Edge is a ninja, pirate, cyborg, tomboy with one eye, which would be cool if she were still fourteen. However, at twenty-nine, it’s just depressing. No one takes her seriously much to her chagrin. Her arrested development likely has to do with the fact that her mad scientist father shoved a highly sought-after Aether Drive implant into her eye socket and she has been hunted ever since… then again, she was nineteen… she should have been well past her Bot Topic phase. 

Being on the run her entire life has rendered poor Edge hopelessly paranoid. She trusts nobody, not even her own teammates, believing anyone and everyone is out to get her implant. She has a tendency to monitor people without their knowledge. She also likes to inject sedatives and tracking devices inside people. Where she gets all these drugs and microchips is a mystery.  

Despite all of this, she is exactly Tad’s type. He doesn’t have chance though, right? RIGHT? No loving god would let that happen. That’s like Danny Devito hooking up with a paranoid schizophrenic Halle Berry. Just gross. 

Maybe she’ll give the substitute ranger thing a chance.