The sole member of the Roaring Rangers, Tori is a lone wolf. Combining mecha need multiple pilots, or else the aether drives used to power them will quickly kill whomever was dumb enough to attempt it solo. Tori didn’t get the memo.
Tori is grossly independent. She has no desire to have a team. She has no interest in a social life and spends all her time perfecting her skills. She constructed her mecha with her own resources, and pilots it herself. Because of this, her health is in steep decline. She constantly vomits blood, which should be a big deal, but she just carries a lot of moist towelettes. I suppose her training has paid off and allowed her to stay alive, or perhaps it is the sheer white-hot intensity of her temper keeping her alive.
Even though she is on death’s door at all times, she is an incredibly proficient pilot. For a time, the ‘Roaring Rangers’ were the number one ranked ‘team’ in Tower City. She maintained this title for a long time up until a moment of desperation led her to hiring Tad. A decision that ultimately led to the Roaring Tiger getting destroyed, and Tori herself getting outed as a solo combiner pilot, resulting in an immediate ban from hero work.
From that point on, Tori vowed revenge on Tad Danger. In order to accomplish this, she rebuilt the Roaring Tiger into the much more vicious Howling Wolf, and joined Death FM’s underground mecha fights in a convoluted attempt to get her hands on Edge’s Aether Drive Implant. I suppose the implant would solve her health problems, but a Tori without a geyser of blood dumping out of her face just lacks charm if you ask me.
Maybe she’ll at least kill that substitute ranger.
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