The Black Knight of the Sky High Sentai, Turbulancer is the fastest mecha in Tower City. Made up of five military aircraft, Turbulancer is one of the few mecha capable of sustained flight. What it lacks in armor, it makes up for in superior fire power.
Turbulancer possesses a Vulcan assault cannon in its right arm, though that’s merely an effective backup weapon. Turbulancer’s primary weapon is its lance. Made out of the wings of A-10 Thunderbolt, it’s a mystery how the lance actually works. It can assume many forms such as a golf club or a guitar. It also has the uncanny ability to control the wind itself. It can whip up powerful tornadoes and generate devastating sonic booms.
Unfortunately, The Sky High Sentai is in a little bit of legal trouble, so the mecha is currently defunct. Maybe it will take to the skies again when team leader Cole gets her charges dropped.
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